Monday, July 9, 2012

Review: Three Floyds Dreadnaught IPA

Before I even start, I want to thank my good friend Rachel for picking this up for me! I owe you big time! Considering how much I loved Blackheart, my expectations for Dreadnaught were sky high. It is one of the most highly regarded Three Floyds beers and ranks 39th on Beer Advocate's top beers in the world. Considering I don't trade beer, I think it's safe to say that being able to drink this here in West Virginia is a great privilege. Well, let's see if this beer lives up to the hype.

Commercial description: "9.5% ABV 99 IBUs - A hophead’s dream beer. This Imperial India Pale Ale has an opening salvo of mango, peach and citrus hop aromas that sit atop a pronounced caramel malt backbone. Although Dreadnaught is a strong and intensely hoppy ale, its complex flavor is both smooth and memorable."

 Three Floyds Dreadnaught IPA

Presentation: 22 oz bomber poured into a tulip. Once again, Three Floyds makes some great labels.

Appearance: It has an orange/yellow color with a 1" head that lingers for a few minutes. Sadly, this didn't stick to the glass much. 

Aroma: Oh my god is this insanely good. Pine, resin, citrus (grapefruit, lemon. I also notice a bit of pear and honey. Sugary/caramel sweetness from the malt. This is damn near perfect for an imperial IPA.

Taste: There is a ridiculous amount of citrus and hop bitterness up front. Grapefruit, mango, and lemon work magnificently with the pine/resinous taste of the hops. Boy does the pine stick on your tongue though. It's there long after each sip. This isn't as bitter as one would expected from a beer at 99 IBUs, but it certainly packs a punch. The bitterness is cut down from the caramel and malt. I usually hate IPAs with a malt backbone, but this works flawlessly. I read previous reviews where the alcohol was hidden. I'm pretty sure that these people have stunned taste buds. The alcohol is there and it's not hiding at all. It brings both spiciness and warmth. However, it doesn't really distract you from the rest of the bouquet.

Mouthfeel: Medium to heavy body with just enough carbonation to make it bite the tongue. There's also a slight creamy characteristic too, oddly enough. 

Overall: Is this worth the hype? Well, I'm not quite sure, but this is damn good. This is definitely one of the better IIPAs I've ever had.Three Floyds definitely knows what they're doing here.



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