Monday, July 30, 2012

Review: Rodenbach Grand Cru

Ever since I found out that Michael Jackson's (no, not the one that liked to diddle little boys) favorite beer was Rodenbach Grand Cru I have been trying to get my hands on it. I realize that it's supposed to be widely available, but WV has terrible import distribution. Sorry WV distributors, I don't care about your newly distributed Heineken and Stella cans. In my desperation, I ended up ordering some Rodenbach online.

This beer is a Flanders red ale and comes in at  6% ABV. If you're not familiar with this style, it originated from West Flanders in Belgium. These beers are known for their fruity, sour, and tart flavors. They are also typically aged in oak barrels and blended with old and young beers.

Rodenbach Grand Cru

Presentation: 750ml bottle poured into a tulip. I have never seen a cork this tiny. It was almost too easy to pull off, which makes me think that oxidation would be an issue.

Appearance: It pours a very dark red color that is almost cola-like. There was a two finger tan head that slowly dwindled with little lacing sticking to the glass. Nothing really out of the ordinary here.

Aroma: This isn't all that complex, but there is a noticeable funk (think wet hay) that is present after a fresh pour, but fades into the background as the head dissipates. There is also quite a bit of tartness and vinegar. The vinegar is actually fairly strong too. I would have liked a bit more complexity, but this still has a decent aroma.

Taste: Oh yeah, this is sour. Sour cherries hit you immediately with each sip. As it sits on your tongue a great bouquet makes its appearance. After the sourness you get a great cornucopia of caramel, vanilla, lemon, raspberry, and vinegar. There is a faint amount of oak too. The sourness just sticks to your tongue and is still present long after each sip.

Mouthfeel: Thin body with tons of carbonation. This is so easy to drink. Pretty on par for the style.

Overall: Frankly, I feel like an idiot for waiting this long to try it. How on earth is this only around $10?! I will definitely revisit this one. I'd like to see how this ages too.

-Aroma is too weak.


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